类和说明 |
请使用 TuEditMultipleComponent
方法和说明 |
Use the new
TuSdkMediaCodecImpl.getInputBuffer(int) method instead
each time an input buffer is dequeued.
Note: As of API 21, dequeued input buffers are
automatically Do not use this method if using an input surface. |
Use the new
TuSdkMediaCodecImpl.getOutputBuffer(int) method instead
each time an output buffer is dequeued. This method is not
supported if codec is configured in asynchronous mode.
Note: As of API 21, the position and limit of output buffers that are dequeued will be set to the valid data range. Do not use this method if using an output surface. |
org.lasque.tusdk.core.utils.image.TuSdkGifDrawable.setDither(boolean) |
GeeV2已过期 请调用setDraftImageList方法设置草稿